Specialized Financial Services

“Specialized” Financial Services
Cut through the red tape of any financial situation. The professionals at Hayes & Associates helps you understand your options and make the best possible financial decisions.
These services include:
- Responding to IRS and state notices concerning tax returns and penalties
- Navigating the Affordable Care Act
- Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
- Implications of reaching Social Security age
- Capital needs
- Buying versus leasing
- Handling requests from banks
- Acting as a referral source and intermediary between you and other professionals such as insurance companies, payroll service providers, lawyers, software vendors
- Reviewing compensation plans
- Advice on structuring business transactions to achieve maximum tax benefit
- Records retention
- Development and presentation of workshops geared specifically to your needs
- Budgeting and spending analyses
- Business needs analysis, such as time management and cost/benefit
- How to title personal or business property upon purchase