
  • A black scientific calculator and a small, blank notepad rest on top of scattered U.S. dollar bills, hinting at the meticulous work of CPAs. The calculator displays various buttons for mathematical functions, and the money includes denominations such as $10, $20, and others.

    What Small Business Owners Need to Know About the New Payment Protection Program Many small business owners breathed a sigh of relief on Monday, December 22nd when Congress finally approved…
  • Blocks with letters are arranged to form words in a crossword style. The word "HELPFUL" is spelled horizontally with white letters on grey blocks, while "TIPS" is spelled vertically intersecting at the "H" and "I," using blue blocks for "T" and "S." It's like finding helpful tips from a certified professional accountant.

    Whether you are facing an audit for the first time or you have been audited for years, making sure that your organization is ready might feel a bit overwhelming. Here…
  • Two wooden signposts with yellow arrows stand against a desert backdrop. The top sign points left and reads "OLD WAY," while the bottom sign points right and reads "NEW WAY." In the distance, a road stretches towards barren hills, reminiscent of finding "CPAs near me" for financial guidance.

    Even though the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) pushed back the deadline for private companies and non-profits to comply with new lease accounting rules – now applicable for the fiscal…